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As different as day and night

Visible skin renewal overnight

Our newly formulated FRESH overnight range consists of intensive better-ageing care products and they’re packed with powerful ingredients. They promote the regeneration of skin cells while you sleep, and correct the visible signs of skin ageing. Why are they only used at night? We explain.

Vitamins play a key role in the body which is why they have been used in cosmetics since time immemorial. We’ve had a complete rethink with regard to vitamins in skincare, and our FRESH overnight products rely on high concentrations of Vitamins A and B.

When it comes to using FRESH overnight face treatment and FRESH overnight body treatmentVitamin A plays a very special role.


Vitamin A and its effect

Vitamin A an important role in building the skin structure and it supports the skin’s regeneration process. This helps to improve the overall condition of the skin and produces visibly smoother skin. In the lower layers of the skin, collagen provides the framework for the skin. Collagen is a structural protein that lends firmness to many parts of the body and ensures that the skin stays supple and flexible. Even a small quantity of Vitamin A applied to the skin (topical application) helps to inhibit enzymes that break down collagen. It optimises the arrangement of elastic tissue fibres and boosts cell division that has gone off kilter. The lower layers of skin become firmer and stronger. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, this vitamin also defends against oxidative damage caused by free radicals and protects the skin against premature ageing.

Vitamin A and sunlight

By using skin care products that contain Vitamin A, the uppermost layer of skin is renewed. This is a desirable outcome because the surface of the skin is made of new, healthy cells, which gives the skin a smoother, fresher look. However, the outer cell layers of the skin’s surface also provide natural protection against the sun. This means that, with cell renewal, the skin becomes more sensitive to light and there is a slightly increased risk of sunburn. That is why the FRESH overnight treatments may only be used in the evening. During the day, you should also protect your skin with textiles (clothing, sunhat, sunglasses) and sunscreen.

Vitamin A and sensitive skin

The use of skin care products containing Vitamin A can cause skin irritation, itching and dryness in those with sensitive skin. However, in comparison with other products containing Vitamin A, the FRESH overnight treatments contain an encapsulated Vitamin A derivative that is far milder and more pleasant on the skin, so that there are hardly any side effects. Nonetheless, if your skin becomes irritated, you should reduce the frequency of use (e.g. no more than twice per week). Then you can try to slowly and gradually increase use to daily applications again.


For which skin types are the FRESH overnight treatments suitable?

FRESH overnight treatments are formulated in such a way that they are suitable for all skin types.

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