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No more dry skin

This care helps to give you plump, radiant skin

The skin’s natural hydration system is called the Natural Moisturising Factor (NMF). RINGANA research reveals which skin care helps to promote the NMF so that your skin always looks plumped and radiant. 


What exactly is Natural Moisturising Factor?

Our skin is able to form a protective layer of amino acids, sugar, lactic acid and urea – this is the NMF (Natural Moisturising Factor). It ensures that moisture is retained in the skin. This protective film keeps the skin elastic and strengthens its barrier function. And because the NMF also regulates the enzyme responsible for natural skin shedding (desquamation), it boosts natural skin regeneration as well.


FRESH hydro serum is the thirst quencher for your skin. It supplies dry skin with a concentrated dose of soothing fruit water. The complex of active substances (green tea, acacia, extracts from the resurrection plant) binds moisture in the skin and strengthens the skin’s natural protective barrier. 




Why can dry skin become a problem?

Dry skin is not as resilient as normal, well moisturised skin and this can lead to various complaints such as itching, burning, tightness and redness. In a worst-case scenario, it may also result in open, chapped patches of skin that can become inflamed.


How is the skin’s moisture content regulated?

The NMF also plays a major role with regard to the TEWL (transepidermal water loss). This value defines how much moisture is lost through the skin by diffusion, and how quickly. If the skin is in a weakened condition, more water is lost, leading to dry skin. A dermatologist, incidentally, can tell you what your TEWL value is.


FRESH anti wrinkle serum is the care innovation for the prevention of fine lines and for mature skin. Extracts from the kangaroo paw plant firm up the facial contours. Paracress relaxes expression lines, while extracts from bulbine and the mulberry tree stimulate the production of collagen and elastic, helping to freshen up the complexion. Olive sprout stem-cell extract revitalises the cells.



How can I combat loss of moisture in the dermis?

Support the NMF with grooming products that strengthen the skin barrier. Moisturisers such as hyaluronic acid help the skin to store more water.

Plant oils and fats along with ceramides, keep the skin barrier healthy, so they provide the basis for beautiful skin.

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